Sunday 17 October 2010

A portrait of Africa

In honour of my departure to African shores after the sunset upon English skies, I would like to share with you some extraordinary portrait photographs by my new favourite portrait photographer Eric Lafforgue. He produces travel photography as a freelance photographer and works both digital and film. He uses Hasselblad H3D-39, Canon 1Ds MIII, Leica M6.  I especially love his shots from India, truly striking, take a look at his website or his flickr pages. Check out these amazing shots from Kenya (our destination tomorrow) and I will catch up with you  on my return (hopefully with some amazing shots of my own, obviously not on the same scale as these.)

Sunday 10 October 2010

Sticky tape web installation

My previous post reminded me of this amazing art installation by Numen/For use in Vienna. Produced with 530 (35600m) rolls of transparent self adhesive tape, the installation resembles the den of a huge man-eating spider. I do however, want to crawl inside to experience what it would be like to be a bug in the clutches of one scary, hairy spider.

Crazy tape installations

These amazing art installations are produced with nothing more than electrical tape and vinyl adhesive. Rebecca Ward has produced some mind blowing installations and seen as I get into a stupid amount of mess just wrapping gifts with sellotape, makes them even more impressive to me.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Skin me alive!

I know it's a long shot but if BMW ever actually make a road version of this stunning concept car then I'm all in for it. I will be happy to sell the house, my other (old hat) car, all my personal effects and the kids to fund this purchase. Gimme gimme gimme!

Snotty vase....Bless you

Not the prettiest topic to kick us off with but the thinking behind this vase is, would you believe, quite revolutionary.

Snotty Vase - Marcel Wanders

The shape of Marcel Wanders’s Airborne Snotty Vase: Pollinosis, 2001, is based on one “bloblet” of fluid from the shower of microscopic particles expelled when a person sneezes; a digital image of the particle is sent to a prototyping machine in which a computer directs a laser to melt and mold plastic powder into the shape that the sneeze particle occupies in space. (Each of the five vases in this series is named for a different infectious condition.) It might, on the face of it seems pretty frivolous and overtly contrived but the basis of these designs is to create a shape which has never been seen before. Personally, I love all 5 vases, for me they capture a moment in time, albeit based around one of the most humble human actions.

I declare this library open!

I started this blog to share as much creative stuff as possible and believe me people there's plenty to go around. There's no limit and no particular emphasis on any one given topic, if I like it then I will share it. Some of it will undoubtedly be stuff you will have seen before, some old, some brand spanking new but above all I hope it errs on the side of interesting. I will of course shamelessly plug the work of family and friends and occasionally I might even share some of my brain with you (you lucky people you). Sit tight, be patient with me and feel free to get involved......